Yui Saketen | Sakaya Japan

Sakaya Japan

Sakaya Japan is a content introducing famous Sake Shops in Japan. Please use this site when looking for a place to purchase sake.

Yui Saketen was originally created by Yui Takano, a former member of the female idol group NMB48, who wanted to create a place where she could convey the taste and depth of sake and provide excitement through sake. It aims to dispel the staid image of sake and make it more accessible to customers by offering a wide variety of sake brands, mainly from breweries run by female and young toji.

Store Name Yui Saketen
Address 2-16-7 Nishi Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Business Hours 11:00-19:00
Regular holiday Tuesday
Phone number +81-3-5830-3690
Web site https://yuisake.com/

Yasuyuki Ito

Yasuyuki Ito

京都市在住。 日本ソムリエ協会認定SAKE DIPLOMA(2018年度合格/No.2153)、SAKE検定認定講師。(社)日本ソムリエ協会正会員(No.29546)。大学卒業後は(株)マイナビに入社し約10年間、顧客企業の新卒・中途採用領域における採用ブランディング、クリエイティブディレクションを経験しました。30代はワインにハマり、40代は日本酒にハマる。さて、50代は何にハマろうか。

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