Masuya Saketen | Loved by Locals in Kyoto


Masuya Saketen is a Japanese sake bar that is a leader in the Kyoto sake scene. This restaurant attracts not only locals but also many foreign tourists. In addition, the prices are reasonable, so many students as well as working people, and women can easily enter. This is probably because the owner of this restaurant is a woman.

The restaurant offers a choice of about 20 varieties of Japanese sake from all over the country. Prices are divided into three types, with the cheapest sake costing about 500 yen and the most expensive about 1,000 yen. There are always more than 20 dishes available, and they are seasoned a little darker to match the sake.

Seating includes standing, counter and table seating. The most popular seating for foreign tourists is the standing drinking area, where you can enjoy conversation with locals and Japanese tourists. Most Japanese are not good at speaking English, but you should be able to get closer to them as time goes by.

English menus are also available, but they are not detailed and should be requested individually. Sake can be roughly divided into two categories. There are two types of sake: light, acidic sake that can be easily matched with food, and rich, mellow sake that allows you to easily taste the flavor of the rice. In addition to this, if you request the region of production, such as Kyoto, the staff will be able to help you choose.

Name Masuya Saketen
Category Tavern – Japanese Sake Bar
Area Kawaramachi
Nearest station Hankyu “Kyoto Kawaramachi Station”
How to request a cab Go to Shijo-Gokomachi
Business Hours 17:00 – 24:00 (15:00 – 24:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays only)
Regular holidays Thursday
Payment Method Credit cards accepted
Average budget Less than 4,000 yen per person
Phone number +81-75-256-0221
Instagram @masuya_saketen





Yasuyuki Ito

Yasuyuki Ito

京都市在住。 日本ソムリエ協会認定SAKE DIPLOMA(2018年度合格/No.2153)、SAKE検定認定講師。(社)日本ソムリエ協会正会員(No.29546)。大学卒業後は(株)マイナビに入社し約10年間、顧客企業の新卒・中途採用領域における採用ブランディング、クリエイティブディレクションを経験しました。30代はワインにハマり、40代は日本酒にハマる。さて、50代は何にハマろうか。

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