


北海道 10,794トン(9%減)
岩手県 3,421トン(12%減)
宮城県 3,554トン(10%減)


根室・釧路産 生サンマ

北海道根室産 厳選生さんま1kg詰め

Saury landings to decline again in 2022. Wholesale prices remain high.

On December 6, 2022, the All Japan Sanma Bar-Tip Net Fishery Cooperative Association (Zensanma) announced nationwide saury landings for the months of August through November 2022. According to the report, the landings were 17,869 tons, the same level as in 2021, and the catch was stagnant as in 2021, which was the lowest year on record.

The reason for the decrease in catch is that there were many days after mid-November when the fishermen were unable to go fishing due to unseasonable weather. This has also affected the wholesale price, which was 800-900 yen/kg before the bad weather, but has remained high at 1200-1300 yen/kg since mid-November. With little chance of further growth in catches in the future, there may be fewer opportunities to eat saury in restaurants and at home.

Yasuyuki Ito

Yasuyuki Ito

京都市在住。 日本ソムリエ協会認定SAKE DIPLOMA(2018年度合格/No.2153)、SAKE検定認定講師。(社)日本ソムリエ協会正会員(No.29546)。大学卒業後は(株)マイナビに入社し約10年間、顧客企業の新卒・中途採用領域における採用ブランディング、クリエイティブディレクションを経験しました。30代はワインにハマり、40代は日本酒にハマる。さて、50代は何にハマろうか。

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