Stand Umineko Koto | Loved by Locals in Kyoto


A standing bar where you can enjoy craft beers from Japan. There are always more than 20 taps available, and bottled and canned beers are sold in the store’s refrigerator. Of course, you can also drink the beer in the fridge inside the restaurant.

The store’s staff are mostly young women, and the clientele ranges from college students to middle-aged and older adults. Some of the regular customers are foreigners living in Japan, and the restaurant seems to be enjoyed not only by Japanese but also by people from other countries.

Prices are relatively high compared to typical izakaya restaurants, with the S size (270 ml) costing 700 yen and the M size (360 ml) 900 yen. Also, the plastic cups used for the glasses may be a turnoff to those who are environmentally conscious.

Name Stand Umineko Koto
Category Beer bar
Area Kawaramachi
Nearest station Hankyu “Kyoto Kawaramachi Station”
How to request a cab Go to Gokomachi-Takoyakushi
Business Hours 17:00-23:00
Regular holidays non-scheduled holiday
Payment Method Credit cards accepted
Average budget Less than 3,000 yen per person
Phone number +81-75-741-6510
Instagram @stand_umineko_koto

Yasuyuki Ito

Yasuyuki Ito

京都市在住。 日本ソムリエ協会認定SAKE DIPLOMA(2018年度合格/No.2153)、SAKE検定認定講師。(社)日本ソムリエ協会正会員(No.29546)。大学卒業後は(株)マイナビに入社し約10年間、顧客企業の新卒・中途採用領域における採用ブランディング、クリエイティブディレクションを経験しました。30代はワインにハマり、40代は日本酒にハマる。さて、50代は何にハマろうか。

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