Gyu Kono | Loved by Locals in Kyoto


This Kyoto yakiniku restaurant boasts a 95% regular customer rate. In a typical yakiniku restaurant, the restaurant provides the meat to the customer, who grills it himself. At this restaurant, however, customers rarely have the opportunity to grill their own meat, and the owner does it for them. This is because the owner has 34 years of experience in yakiniku and is an excellent griller.

All meat served at this restaurant is Kyoto beef. You can enjoy various parts of meat, and if you become a regular customer, you can enjoy even more backstage menu items. Draft beer is available for as low as 400 yen per glass so that drinkers can feel free to order. However, reservations must be made a week in advance as the restaurant is very popular.

The photo is an image.

Name Gyu Kono
Category Yakiniku
Area Marutamachi
Nearest station Keihan “Jingu-marutamachi station
How to request a cab Go to Kawabata – Marutamachi
Business Hours 17:00-22:30
Regular holidays Thursday, 1 Wednesday a month
Payment Method Credit cards accepted
Average budget Less than 6,000 yen per person
Phone number +81-75-741-7629
Instagram @gyukouno

Yasuyuki Ito

Yasuyuki Ito

京都市在住。 日本ソムリエ協会認定SAKE DIPLOMA(2018年度合格/No.2153)、SAKE検定認定講師。(社)日本ソムリエ協会正会員(No.29546)。大学卒業後は(株)マイナビに入社し約10年間、顧客企業の新卒・中途採用領域における採用ブランディング、クリエイティブディレクションを経験しました。30代はワインにハマり、40代は日本酒にハマる。さて、50代は何にハマろうか。

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