English version below.
北海道網走市にある網走ビールは、4月25日から札幌市にあるANAクラウンプラザホテル札幌に醸造所を併設したカフェ「NEIGHBOUR Roast&Brew」を開設しました。このカフェではホテル併設の醸造所で醸造したオリジナルビールを楽しめるのが特徴で、観光客だけでなく地元のビールファンにも歓迎されそうです。
NEIGHBOUR Roast&Brewの特徴
- カフェオリジナルのクラフトビールがが飲める
- Qアラビカグレーダーが監修しセレクトした豆を使用したコーヒーが楽しめる
- 北海道の食とクラフトビールのマリアージュが堪能できる
店舗名 | NEIGHBOUR Roast&Brew |
住所 | 札幌市中央区北3条西1丁目2-9 ANAクラウンプラザホテル札幌 1F |
営業時間 | 9:00-22:00(Lunch Time 11:30-14:00) |
Cafe with Abashiri Beer Brewery Opens at ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Sapporo
Abashiri Beer, located in Abashiri City, Hokkaido, opened a cafe “NEIGHBOUR Roast & Brew” with its brewery in the ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Sapporo in Sapporo City on April 25. The café features original beer brewed at the brewery attached to the hotel, and is expected to be welcomed not only by tourists but also by local beer fans.
NEIGHBOUR Roast & Brew features
This café is based on the concept of “making someone else’s time into a moment with someone else. and there are three ways to enjoy the café.
- Original craft beer is available.
- Enjoy coffee made from beans selected under the supervision of Q Arabica Grader.
- Enjoy the marriage of Hokkaido’s food and craft beer.
In addition, there is a library where visitors can read books related to Hokkaido.
Store Name | NEIGHBOUR Roast&Brew |
Address | ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Sapporo 1F, 1-2-9, Kita 3-jo Nishi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido |
Business Hours | 9:00-22:00 (Lunch Time 11:30-14:00) |
You can enjoy visiting only for the cafe, but if you stay at this hotel, you can enjoy beer more without worrying about time. If you are looking for a hotel in Sapporo in the future, why not add this hotel to your list of choices?