On February 8, 2025, a new fruit parlor will open in Sanjo Nishinotoin, Kyoto. The concept of this store is an “adult sweets parlor,” targeting adult women in their 30s to 50s who are hard at work and raising children. The main products offered are sweets with plenty of fruit. Also, fruit platters and pizzas will be offered for lunch.
店舗名 | MAISON ∋ PARLOUR(メゾン・パーラー) |
開店日 | 2025年2月8日(土)11:00- |
業態 | フルーツパーラー |
住所 | 京都市中京区釜座町4-1 京都三条スクエアビル2F |
最寄り駅 | 地下鉄「烏丸御池駅」から徒歩6分 |
予約 | 可(電話のみ) |
公式SNS |